In the world there is nothing more strongly
freedom of scientific idea


Crimean institute NOOSFERY

Unites in the numbers(lines) of representatives of scientific and creative intelligency: scientists, doctors, teachers, art workers, politicians, representatives of clergy, everyone to whom roads of idea ноосферы - are close also to the reasonable organization of life on a planet the Earth, in the state, republic, city on the basis of deep knowledge of uniform natural Laws (laws of the Nature, Space, the God).

Noosfera - an empire of Reason, sphere of reasonable activity of the Person and mankind, a condition
His(its) best development, a basis of a genuine democracy, social justice and harmony.
For the first time is entered into the scientific theory and practice Lerua, V.I.Vernadskim.

To turn blind force of the Nature into reasonable force of community means, all life to make such. Through us, through reasonable essences the Nature will reach(achieve) completeness of consciousness and self-management, recreates all destroyed and destroyed on its(her) blindness.

Nikolay Feodorov

The Crimean institute noosfery

The public organization created in 1996, is registered by the main thing
Management of the Ministry of Justice in Crimea 12.06.1997y. (№188).

Problems(tasks) CIN:

1. Development of scientifically proved concept ноосферного consciousnesses, and formation on its(her) basis of new universal world outlook system in which basis the recognition of uniform natural laws of the organization of Life in all variety of its(her) levels lays, forms and displays.

2. Development of the modern educational programs including bases of noosfer(noosfery) consciousness, and their introduction in an education system and education of youth.

3. Distribution of idea noosfer(noosfery) consciousnesses among various layers of a society with use of various forms and methods of explanatory work.

4. Development of principles of integration medicine on the basis of the new modern concept of health directed on knowledge, disclosing and use of the own latent opportunities of an organism in his(its) harmony with the Nature and a society.

5. Development of cooperation of scientific community with bodies of representative and executive authority of different levels for the legend of a spent policy(politics) of intelligent humanistic character.

6. Development of the concept and special programs of steady development of Crimea taken as a principle, economy, policies(politics), cultures.


L'adaptateur: Bobova Valentina

P.S. If the quantity(amount) of visitors of our site which do not know Russian, will be big, we shall make translation of other pages on the English language.


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